Category: be yourself

Tao Te Ching 9th Verse Thoughts

To keep on filling is not as good as stopping.  Overfilled,the cupped hands drip, better to stop pouring. Sharpen a blade too much and its edge will soon be lost.  Fill yourhouse with jade and gold and it brings insecurity. …

Tao Te Ching: 6th Verse Thoughts

The spirit that never dies is called the mysterious feminine Although she becomes the whole universe, her immaculate purity is never lost.  Although she assumes countless forms, her true identity remains intact. The gateway to the mysterious female is called…

Tao Te Ching: Third Verse Thoughts

Putting a value on status will create contentiousness. If you overvalue possessions, people begin to steal.  By not displaying what is desirable, you will cause the people’s hearts to remain undisturbed The sage governs by emptying minds and hearts, by…

Is it a setback or an opportunity?

The doorbell rings and FedEx drives away. With eager anticipation, I rip open the envelope to look over the contents. Background:  I’m trying to refi my house so I can get my ex-wife off of the loan.  It’s been a…