Unexpected life lesson from a bulldog

About a Month ago, I shared in a post that I learned a valuable lesson of acceptance from my bulldog who decided to use my journal as a chew toy.  One thing that I didn’t mention in the post was that Oliver passed away the day before I published the post.  I had been working on it for a few days and Oliver’s death was my little tribute to him.

More lessons learned

Oliver wasn’t the smartest dog in world.  He was the type of dog that would jump in the lake without hesitation but forget he can’t swim.  He embraced every moment and had fun and was the life of the party.  Sometimes to our dismay but he was always in the moment and it was OK, even if there was a mess to pick up in the end.   And when I or my fiancé’ was down and feeling a little blue, he was the first to come over and put his paw on your lap, look at you and let you know everything is going to be ok; Oliver’s here.

English Bulldog,

RIP Oliver the bulldog

Unconditional Love

Pets are amazing because they do exemplify unconditional love perfectly.  No matter how hard we are on them or how much we might ignore then throughout the day, there are there for you ready to play or whatever.  Oliver was no exception.  He got in tUnrouble and got yelled at many times because of his impetuousness, strong will and impulse control. (all traits of an English Bulldog FYI)   He wanted to be in the middle of everything which sometimes aggravated the heck out of us but he never stopped being himself.  His own authentic self.   Isn’t that what we all want at the end of the day?  To be our own authentic self?

So thanks Oliver for being in my life and showing me how fun it can be to just be yourself.  I strive every day to be more “Oliver like.”   Well… except for the farting and the snoring.

Allow and free yourself

Dealing with…
Coping with…
Putting up with…
Bear With…

Expressions that I’ve used and I’m sure, many of you have as well.   We tend to use these words as if they are positive or that we are doing something noble by ‘dealing with’ or ‘tolerating’ the person or circumstances before us.  But that’s a lot of work and so much trouble to cope and it really doesn’t feel good in the end.  At least that has been the case for me and everyone else that I have compared notes with.  Truth is we aren’t feeling good with these words and they don’t help us grow.

A change of perspective

Instead of dealing with, let us use acceptance
Try allowing instead of enduring
And compassion instead of dealing with

All will happen as it should.   How we choose to experience it is in our hands.

The dog ate my blog post

I’ve been working on a few posts for this site and I keep it a little old school and hand write my notes and rough drafts.  For some reason, it is just easier to write down my ideas on paper instead of a computer.  It feels more intimate and natural.   Problem with writing down ones ideas on paper… it’s vulnerable to the impulses of other inhabitants in the house.


Oliver the bulldog

My lovable and impetuous bulldog found my notebook lying on the floor when I was away at work.   Being bored, lonely or both he took it upon himself to peruse my notebook and ate many pages of notes and rough drafts for future posts.   There isn’t a undelete or backup recovery from something like that.  The ideas vanished down his throat as easily as they came to me and onto the paper.

Accept and move on

I was disappointed and to be quite frank, a bit pissed at Oliver but what’s done is done and no amount of stewing over the eaten notebook will bring the words and paragraphs back.  In the end I should have put my notebook away like I usually do.  This isn’t the first time that this has happened so it’s on me just as much as it’s on Oliver.  In fact, his little binge eating spree reminded me that I can’t control what happens to me but I can control how I respond to it.   

What occurred a few days back wasn’t a loss because I learned from it.

Thanks Oliver!

Update: Almost a year later we lost our friend/family member, Oliver the Bulldog, and I miss him dearly. Miss the snorts, the smells, his genuineness. He truly lived an authentic life and I think of him often and still learn from him from time to time. Dogs can be the best teachers.