Taking Chances and Being Vulnerable

I’m going to do something that is completely out of my comfort zone but so necessary. I’m going to ask my wife to read my next post before I publish it to this blog. Why is this news? Well usually, I write, re-read, make changes and publish when I feel it’s ready and hope for the best. The thought of someone reading and critiquing what I write, while I wait? The feeling of dread and apprehension is overwhelming. Logically, I know I will benefit from this breaking avoiding this uncomfortable step in writing. The truth is I have little to lose and I know my wife is a safe space. Mentally, this is something that has kept me from creating in the past and the roadblock needs to be done away with.

What Am I Afraid Of?

I take way too much stock in what people think of me and whatever I’m create. For as long as I remember, I have been horrible at receiving feedback and criticism; especially from someone who is close to me. No matter how well intentioned and sugar coated the critique, my initial reflex is to take offense, be defensive or be crushed. To my credit, I do warm up to the ideas in time and if they make sense, I will adopt these suggestions that have been put before me. This method is not sustainable and I would rather not alienate the people in my life who are willing to help. Breaking a cycle is always hard and the first time getting outside the boundary can daunting. My hope is this will further aid my writing and boost my confidence.

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