There’s a bit of reinventing myself or honing in on who I am at this point of my life. Some might say it’s a midlife crisis and maybe akin to that. I didn’t buy a sports car and didn’t run of with my secretary so at least I’m not cliche’.
Life is Good:
Life is good and I can’t put my finger on the unease and why am I feeling it… Maybe it’s because I’m used to the drama that I lived with in my previous life. I’m in a stable healthy relationship, I have a good job, my kids are doing well, I’m in a band and have fun with that… Just have the normal pains and stiffness of someone my age but nothing to get worked up over. So what is it? I’m realizing that I’m in the latter part of my life and I better make it count. My procrastinating nature has caught up with me and I’m starting to feel the pull to “make it count”. Just like an all nighter before that final exam, except this one is for keeps!
So what do I do? I keep telling myself not to panic. I’ve gotten this far and have done pretty well. I tell myself to soak it in and appreciate; stay present. Cliche’, yeah, but it means a bit more to me than 20 or 30 years ago. I don’t think I’ll ever be completely at ease and OK with where I am but I do like where I’m heading.