Happy New Year!

Another year has passed and as I write this, another birthday as well.  The old cliches of a “new beginning” or “fresh start” are ringing in the air and I have to admit that I’m putting that vibe out the universe as well.  I’m very cynical about new years resolutions because they never seem to stick and it’s another promise to oneself that usually becomes broken.  So my new years resolution is not to look at what I want to improve in my life but to  keep building off of the beautiful things that I have begun to set in motion and continue to be present in the wonderful journey.  So many amazing things have happened to me last year, not because of a new year passing or a resolution but because I opened myself up and let it come to me.   This post is the first of many and I hope everyone, whether one or one thousand, who reads this has an amazing year!



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